Thursday, February 26, 2009

release of new book! was chicken trax

i am very excited that my new book "was chicken trax amid sparrows tread" just arrived on my doorstep today. designed by adam brodsky, published by charles potts, the book is a collection of poems coupled with a longish nonfictional piece on getting hemmerroids, and taking a big-girl job.

"i haven't gotten neck deep in such intersting work in a long subtle, and gentle in its bluntness," says Jeremy Gaulke, of Temple Books.

"The layers of meaning often embedded in poetry that might, on a casual first reading, seem abstract are very common and deliberate in Bree's poems," sayd James E. Stanley, Cleveland poet.

well, one can get one's paws on a copy here, or by mailing in an envelope $10 cash/check/money order (or credit card no. with expiry) made out to green panda press, 3174 berkshire rd., cleveland hts., oh 44118